Replaced with MondoKit: We are excited to announce the next generation of GAE JS. Our ESM-only set of libraries, migrated from GAE JS and rebranded as MondoKit.

You can see a Migration guide from GAE JS to help you move to the new libraries. Many changes are simple search/replace.

We will continue to add minor fixes and patches to this library as required.

Find MondoKit on GitHub.

Simplifies BigQuery client initialisation and common BigQuery operations.


npm install @mondomob/gae-js-bigquery

Quick Start

Using BigQuery Provider

To have a global BigQuery instance available to your entire application, initialise the bigQueryProvider. This will initialise the BigQuery client based on your current configuration. The instance can then be recalled anywhere within your application as required.

// On app startup

// Elsewhere in the app
const bigQuery = bigQueryProvider.get();

Manual connect to BigQuery

To manage your own BigQuery instances, use connectBigQuery to connect to BigQuery based on your current application configuration.

class CustomBigQueryService {
  private readonly bigQuery: BigQuery;

  constructor() {
    this.bigQuery = connectBigQuery()

Edit configuration

No configuration is required if you are happy with the default conventions.

The following options are available under the bigQuery namespace.

Property Description Required
projectId the BigQuery projectId to connect to. Will default to the application’s project id. N


  "bigQuery": {
    "projectId": "my-bigquery-project"